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This procedure assumes that you have already created an Organization, Zone, and one or more Collectors. It also assumes that you've populated your Zone Network and Discovery Space lists. If you haven't completed these preliminaries or need more information on them, refer to . . .

  1. Creating & Managing Organizations - Creating a container for all of your organization's zones
  2. Adding & Managing Zones - Defining an area of the network to discover and index.
    1. Set Zone Networks & About Lists  - Using the Known, Eligible, and Internal list buttons to identify the IPs and CIDRs composing your defined zone.
  3. Adding & Managing Collectors - Adding the
    1. Scope: Discovery Spaces - Telling your collector where in the network to do its job
    2. Adding & Managing Lists (Zone Networks & Discovery Spaces)

To configure Path Discovery:

  1. In the Lumeta Command Center GUI, browse to Settings > Zones.
  2. Select the zone and collector in which you want to configure Path Discovery.  
  3. Select the Path tab, click Edit, and updating the form.

The Path configuration is complete. The discovery of routes traversed initiates with these settings.

Next Steps

  1. Assess and validate what's returned by reviewing reports.
  2. Analyze any newly discovered networks as well as known networks that could not be reached.
  3. Adjust the configuration based on your findings, reaching out to your technical consultant if you need assistance adjusting the discovery settings to achieve the visibility you seek.

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