System Requirements
Component RAM (GB) Disk Portal Command Center (Up to 500,000 IPs) 32 1 TB Command Center (More than 500,000 IPs) 64 1 TB Command Center (More than 1,000,000 IPs) Asset Manager Appliance Servers & Operating System Bandwidth, Latency & Account Thresholds IOPS Concurrent Portal Command Center(≤750,000 IPs)Cores 16 250 GB 4 8 8 Consult with CSE/TAD Scouts 8 50 GB 1
Client System (Laptop/PC) Requirements
AdminsR/T Latency
(msec)Link Occupancy
(%)3,000 unlimited ≤25 <100 <70 3,000 unlimited ≤25 <100 <70 Scouts 750 unlimited ≤25 <100 <70