What is that? Asset Manager Glossary


A device is “Active” if it’s responded to traffic we’ve sent to it or if we’ve heard about the device Indirectly (via SNMP for example).

Active Discovery

Scanning where a Collector’s Scannerplaces traffic on the network destined for a targeted address and listens for the responses from that address (or hops along the way in the case of Path)


A collection of Scanners within a Zone that share a single Scanning Interface.

Commanded Packet Rate

A Scout’s network interface can be given a Commanded Packet Rate.  This is the rate of scanning traffic  (in packets per second) that Asset Manager will not exceed (at least over intervals of greater than 1 second).  Depending on the targeted address space, we may not scan as quickly as the Commanded Packet Rate, but Asset Manager will not exceed this rate.  This rate is per Scanning Interface, this interface may be shared by more than one Collector

Data Retention

Eligible List

A collection of addresses that dictate if further interrogation for a specified address should be performed. This is primarily used when a response is received from an address that is outside the target list and influences the decision to further interrogate this address.


Event is an action or occurrence detected by a program. It can be “published” so that other parts of the Asset Manager system can act on it to, for example, notify the user or write a message to a log file.

Explicit Target

A Target explicitly defined in a a Collector’s configuration (under Discovery Spaces > Target List)


A Device is a “Forwarder” if it’s seen in a trace (generated by the Path scanner) as anything but the last hop.  In other words, a device that generates an ICMP Time Exceeded message

Indirect Discovery

Discovery where the system gets information about an address from something other than that address (e.g., BGP, DNS, or OSPF). For example, Asset Manager hears about device while interrogating via SNMP and learning about from’s ARP table.

Learned CIDR

A CIDR learned about via SNMP (either a host or a CIDR representing a route), via Broadcast or other means.


A message presented to the user as the result of an event.

Passive Discovery

Listening to traffic without putting any packets on the network. (e.g., Broadcast). This could also be a Scanner listening to traffic on a trunk or SPAN port.

Primary Target

A Target that’s explicitly specified in a Collector configuration or learned about via an SNMP routing table, BGP, or OSPF.  This is effectively a Host or Path target (these are the scan types that scan across entire CIDRs).  Responses to a Primary Target can create Secondary Targets.  That is to say, a response to Host can create targets for scan types like Port, or SNMP.

Qualified Address

An address that’s explicitly targeted, or learned and covered by the Eligible List. An address in the Avoid List cannot be Qualified.


A specific bit of code (like SnmpHunter) that runs as part of a Collector on a Scout somewhere

Scanning Interface

A network interface associated with a Scout.  This interface can be used by one or more Collectors.  This interface can be given a Commanded Packet Rate.


A collection of Scanners and Scanning Interfaces running on a particular (virtual) machine.  These scanners could be associated with any number of Zones or Command Centers.  It could be a VM built and licensed as a Scout or an “Onboard Scout,” which is the Scout code running on a Command Center.  

Secondary Target

A Target (/32 or /128) generated for a non-Host/Path scan(discovery)  type as a result of Asset Manager learning about an address.  These Targets can be generated by being discovered via Host or Path, being Indirectly or Passively discovered, or by having a device added via API.  These are the Targets the system generates itself (governed by discovered addresses, Eligible List, and Avoid List).


A device that we were able to talk to with a set of SNMP credentials


A device that we got an SNMP response from even if we can’t fetch data from it with our SNMP credentials.  This could happen if we attempt to communicate with a device using SNMPv3, it can respond with an authentication error of some sort, this is different from SNMPv1/2c where the device doesn’t send anything back in the case of an authentication failure.


A combination of a CIDR, Scan Type, and Collector ID.  This can be a Primary, Secondary, or Explicit Target.

Time of Discovery

The time a Scout discovers a Device (or information about a Device)

Time of Record

The time a discovered Device is actually available in the database for reporting (the time it’s actually visible to a client).


A set of Collectors and the data associated with them. For the most part, data is not propagated across zones.

Use a standard keyboard search or the alphabetical list in the panel on the left-hand side of the page to go to the term and its definition.


An individual, group, organization, or government that conducts or has the intent to conduct detrimental activities. 


A network's steady state; equilibrium

Broadcast Domain

Any computer connected to the same Ethernet repeater or switch is a member of the same broadcast domain.

  • Logical division of a computer network
  • Routers and the like border the domain
  • Essentially, the LAN, or "what is connected to a switch"


Collectors are logical entities that run through your zones, carrying payloads of network data and delivering them back to the Asset Manager Command Center. The Collectors orchestrate discovery according to the particular method and protocols you defined in the Asset Manager Command Center.

  • Houses the set of instructions (aka the configuration)
  • The interface (NIC) is part of the Collector
  • perform active and passive discovery
  • The Collectors live on the Management Platform
  • Collection Platform can execute multiple Collectors
  • The Collectors are "zone-based"
  • Distributed architecture for cross-domain discovery
  • Function autonomously 
  • Can be “connected” to multiple zones or regions

Command Center

  • Houses end-user display (web GUI)
  • Allows monitoring, administration, and reporting
  • Configures and initiate scans via onboard collector
  • Distributes configuration to distributed Asset Manager Collectors

Continuous Monitoring

The concept of monitoring information system security has long been recognized as sound management practice. Organizations review their information systems’ security controls to ensure that system changes do not have a significant negative impact on security, security plans remain effective after a change, and security controls continue to perform as intended. Continuous monitoring goes further than a traditional periodic assessment or “snapshot” audit by continuously monitoring transactions and controls, so that weak, poorly designed, or poorly implemented controls can be corrected or replaced sooner rather than later, thus enhancing an organization’s risk profile.

  • Initially a NIST term; subsequently adopted commercially
  • Indicates whether a defined set of planned, required, and deployed security controls within an information system continue to be effective over time in light of the inevitable changes that occur

Dynamic Mapping

A dynamic map depicts discovered devices and their network connectivity and can be updated and/or refreshed to show changes as they occur on the associated network. 

File Hash

A process of applying a mathematical algorithm against a set of data to produce a numeric value (a ‘hash value’) that represents the data

Forwarding Device (Forwarder)

A forwarding device, or forwarder, is a machine on your network that moves traffic forward–often a router. Sometimes a printer or other network device that should not be transmitting traffic, behaves like a forwarding device. Asset Manager flags this anomalous behavior for investigation.

Foundational Intelligence

  • Intended to underscore the importance of Asset Manager information as a critical underpinning to a robust security practice
  • The information gathered and analyzed by Asset Manager

Hybrid Discovery

  • Passive, active and targeted system inquires
  • Discovery processes iteratively fueled by their own output
  • Subtlety of results and breadth of coverage increase incrementally

Indicator of Compromise

An artifact observed on a network or in an operating system that with high confidence indicates a computer intrusion. Typical IOCs are virus signatures and IP addresses, MD5 hashes of malware files or URLs or domain names of botnet command and control servers. After IOCs have been identified in a process of incident response and computer forensics, they can be used for early detection of future attack attempts using intrusion detection systems and antivirus software.


Individual networked computers to routers, cables, wireless access points, switches, backbones, network protocols, and network access methodologies.


Exchanging data between systems to improve information in each

Manually or programmatically initiated


Input-output operations per second.  A measure of the disk performance that Asset Manager requires of a disk or storage array. 


The link state of a particular router.  What’s in the LSDs. The link is NOT the hop bwn routers/nodes.  It’s a statement about the link between the two hops.  Is it healthy and other attributes.

Link Occupancy

A measure of congestion on a communications link is (e.g., how much of the bandwidth is being utilized). Highly occupied/congested links between a Command Center and Scout (or links in which there is an excessive round trip delay) can  become a problem.  To avoid issues, Asset Manager recommends no more than a 70% link occupancy on a 10Mb/s link, which implies that 7Mb/s (on average) is being consumed by traffic. Asset Manager also recommends a less-than 100 msec round-trip communications delay to ensure satisfactory performance.

Malicious Domain

When a domain is used in malware in place of an IP address to allow for rapid IP address rotation


Software that compromises the operation of a system by performing an unauthorized function or process.

Mental Model & Conceptual Model

This is a map of your network that can be shifted and molded, expressed in tiers or hierarchical layers of a canvas, and adapted over time to reflect your enterprise's increased understanding of its infrastructure assets under management. The conceptual model, which is a core feature in active development, will enable people to view one network segment from the perspective they find most useful. Each segment may be viewed from however many perspectives have been assembled. You may create your own conceptual models, or work from ones created by other Asset Manager Asset Manager users in your company.

  • An enterprise's conceptual model of their network
  • Refers to the display of Asset Manager maps
  • Maps align with your conceptual understanding of your network and enterprise
  • Your mental model perspective may be shaped by your clearance level, enclave, mission, or geography, among others.


management information base (MIB) is a virtual database used for managing the entities in a communications network.The MIB hierarchy can be depicted as a tree with a nameless root, the levels of which are assigned by different organizations. The top-level MIB OIDs belong to different standards organizations, while lower-level object IDs are allocated by associated organizations. This model permits management across all layers of the OSI reference model.

Non-Accessible SNMP Routers

Those routers that didn't respond to Asset Manager's SNMP test, yet indicated the capability to speak SNMP. 

Non-Responding Network

CIDR blocks in the configured  list of Target CIDRs, or discovered through router discovery, scanned that did not respond from any sensor. A CIDR block may respond from some locations and may not respond from others. There are several possible reasons these networks were not seen during a network scan. Some reasons include (a) the CIDR blocks may not be in use in the network (b) they may be part of a firewalled network.

Operational Discovery

  • Signature quality that distinguishes Asset Manager from Classic IPsonar
  • Discovery embedded in the fabric of normal business operations


  • In place to support data separation within Asset Manager
  • Zones are assigned to Organizations
  • Will support company-driven data separation as well as the managed service version of Asset Manager 


Open shortest path first protocol. OSPF functions in both broadcast network and non-broadcast, multiple-access networks (NBMA), in which end-to-end points are established. OSPF needs to run on virtual circuits (PVCs) when it runs in a NBMA network.  Asset Manager Asset Manager traces to routes discovered in OSPF, unless those routes are in an Avoid list.


  • "Open Shortest Path First"
  • Most widely used internal routing protocol
  • Areas are logical groupings of networks
  • Contains link state information for the domain


A Asset Manager IPsonar scan of an enterprise network that is performed in a single sweep. Point-in-time scans are often scheduled to run on a repeat basis and serve to provide a historical record or audit trail for use by oversight agencies.

Real-time Monitoring

Notification of network events-of-interest as they occur

  • Enables organizations to respond more quickly  
  • Enables a system administrator to watch the current health, risk, processes, and vulnerabilities of a network through graphical charts and bars on a central interface/dashboard.
  • Visual insights into the data are conveyed. Instant notifications/alerts into specific data-driven, administrator-specified events, such as when a data value goes out of range are provided.

Router ID

One of the IP addresses on the router. From OSPF perspective, it's an identifier.


The router's primary functions are to learn and propagate route information, and ultimately to forward packets via the most appropriate paths. Successful attacks against routers are those able affect or disrupt one or more of those primary functions by compromising the router itself, its peering sessions, and/or the routing information.

Routers are subject to the same sort of attacks designed to compromise hosts and servers, such as password cracking, privilege escalation, buffer overflows, and even social engineering. Most of the best practices in this document help mitigate and even prevent some of those threats.

Peering relationships are also target of attacks. For most routing protocols routers cannot exchange route information unless they establish a peering relationship, also called neighbor adjacency. Some attacks attempt to break established sessions by sending the router malformed packets, resetting TCP connections, consuming the router resources, etc. Attacks may also prevent neighbor adjacencies from being formed by saturating queues, memory, CPU and other router resources. This section of the document presents a series of best practices to protect neighbor adjacencies from those threats.

Finally, routing can also be compromised by the injection of false route information, and by the modification or removal of legitimate route information. Route information can be injected or altered by many means, ranging from the insertion of individual false route updates to the installation of bogus routers into the routing infrastructure. Potential denial of service conditions may result from intentional loops or black-holes for particular destinations. Attackers may also attempt to redirect traffic along insecure paths to intercept and modify user's data, or simply to circumvent security controls. This section also includes a collection of best practices designed to prevent the compromising of routing information.


Your business has zones, each of which typically has one Asset Manager Scout

  • Houses collection agents
  • Collects information on the state of the network

Security Automation

  • Automated set of rules or instructions that performs a task or process that would at one time have been done by a person
  • Generally includes some form of integration

Security Intelligence

  • Real-time collection, normalization, and analysis of the data generated by users, applications, and infrastructure that impacts the IT security and risk posture of an enterprise
  • The goal of security intelligence is to provide actionable and comprehensive insight that reduces risk and operational effort


Asset Manager Asset Manager/IPsonar had appropriate credentials that enabled it to access SNMP tables on a network. 


Asset Manager Asset Manager/IPsonar was able to generate a response from a particular port (thereby demonstrating that the port exists), but unable to illicit a response from the port. 

Threat Intelligence / Feed

Evidence-based knowledge, including context, mechanisms, indicators, implications and actionable advice, about an existing or emerging menace or hazard to assets that can be used to inform decisions regarding the subject's response to that menace or hazard.

Zombie / Bot

A computer connected to the Internet that has been surreptitiously / secretly compromised with malicious logic to perform activities under the command and control of a remote administrator.


Zone is any set of devices you want to monitor as a unit, for example, a subnet, an enclave, or a business unit. Typically, an organization contains multiple zones.

Zones delimit the scope of information that can be displayed on an Asset Manager map. To map a particular network view, all elements belonging to that view must be contained in a single zone. When planning a zone definition, be sure to include elements you want to see on a one map as members of a single zone.

Your enterprise sets the criteria that defines which devices should belong to a particular zone.



A device is “Active” if it’s responded to traffic we’ve sent to it or if we’ve heard about the device Indirectly (via SNMP for example).

Active Discovery

Scanning where a Collector’s Scannerplaces traffic on the network destined for a targeted address and listens for the responses from that address (or hops along the way in the case of Path)


A collection of Scanners within a Zone that share a single Scanning Interface.

Commanded Packet Rate

A Scout’s network interface can be given a Commanded Packet Rate.  This is the rate of scanning traffic  (in packets per second) that Asset Manager will not exceed (at least over intervals of greater than 1 second).  Depending on the targeted address space, we may not scan as quickly as the Commanded Packet Rate, but Asset Manager will not exceed this rate.  This rate is per Scanning Interface, this interface may be shared by more than one Collector

Data Retention

Eligible List

A collection of addresses that dictate if further interrogation for a specified address should be performed. This is primarily used when a response is received from an address that is outside the target list and influences the decision to further interrogate this address.


Event is an action or occurrence detected by a program. It can be “published” so that other parts of the Asset Manager system can act on it to, for example, notify the user or write a message to a log file.

Explicit Target

A Target explicitly defined in a a Collector’s configuration (under Discovery Spaces > Target List)


A Device is a “Forwarder” if it’s seen in a trace (generated by the Path scanner) as anything but the last hop.  In other words, a device that generates an ICMP Time Exceeded message

Indirect Discovery

Discovery where the system gets information about an address from something other than that address (e.g., BGP, DNS, or OSPF). For example, Asset Manager hears about device while interrogating via SNMP and learning about from’s ARP table.

Learned CIDR

A CIDR learned about via SNMP (either a host or a CIDR representing a route), via Broadcast or other means.


A message presented to the user as the result of an event.

Passive Discovery

Listening to traffic without putting any packets on the network. (e.g., Broadcast). This could also be a Scanner listening to traffic on a trunk or SPAN port.

Primary Target

A Target that’s explicitly specified in a Collector configuration or learned about via an SNMP routing table, BGP, or OSPF.  This is effectively a Host or Path target (these are the scan types that scan across entire CIDRs).  Responses to a Primary Target can create Secondary Targets.  That is to say, a response to Host can create targets for scan types like Port, or SNMP.

Qualified Address

An address that’s explicitly targeted, or learned and covered by the Eligible List. An address in the Avoid List cannot be Qualified.


A specific bit of code (like SnmpHunter) that runs as part of a Collector on a Scout somewhere

Scanning Interface

A network interface associated with a Scout.  This interface can be used by one or more Collectors.  This interface can be given a Commanded Packet Rate.


A collection of Scanners and Scanning Interfaces running on a particular (virtual) machine.  These scanners could be associated with any number of Zones or Command Centers.  It could be a VM built and licensed as a Scout or an “Onboard Scout,” which is the Scout code running on a Command Center.  

Secondary Target

A Target (/32 or /128) generated for a non-Host/Path scan(discovery)  type as a result of Asset Manager learning about an address.  These Targets can be generated by being discovered via Host or Path, being Indirectly or Passively discovered, or by having a device added via API.  These are the Targets the system generates itself (governed by discovered addresses, Eligible List, and Avoid List).


A device that we were able to talk to with a set of SNMP credentials


A device that we got an SNMP response from even if we can’t fetch data from it with our SNMP credentials.  This could happen if we attempt to communicate with a device using SNMPv3, it can respond with an authentication error of some sort, this is different from SNMPv1/2c where the device doesn’t send anything back in the case of an authentication failure.


A combination of a CIDR, Scan Type, and Collector ID.  This can be a Primary, Secondary, or Explicit Target.

Time of Discovery

The time a Scout discovers a Device (or information about a Device)

Time of Record

The time a discovered Device is actually available in the database for reporting (the time it’s actually visible to a client).


A set of Collectors and the data associated with them. For the most part, data is not propagated across zones.