Asset Manager Hardware QuickStart Guide

This QuickStart is designed to expedite the installation of Asset Manager Asset Manager and enable you to generate first discovery results quickly and easily.  It was written for licensed partners and customers of Asset Manager. This process assumes that you've received an Asset Manager appliance from Asset Manager and have a computer keyboard and monitor.. 

Access the system console as follows:

  1. Rack the Asset Manager Asset Manager appliance in your data center. 
  2. Physically connect the Asset Manager appliance to a keyboard and monitor.
  3. Power on the Asset Manager Asset Manager appliance.
    A login prompt displays, indicating that the hardware is connected.

The Asset Manager Initial Configuration wizard facilitates entering the global system configuration that tells your Asset Manager system how to communicate on your network (e.g., IP address, network mask, default gateway). You can enter this system configuration manually or automatically via DHCP.  If you chose the automatic setup method (DHCP), you'll need to supply only the host name of your Asset Manager Asset Manager system (e.g., myAsset Manager) and the name of any interface cards on your host (e.g., int0, int1, int2). This page provides a detailed description of the manual method only, which users prefer and Asset Manager recommends.

To initialize Asset Manager manually, you will need the following:

  • IP address of your system (IPv4 and optionally, IPv6)
  • IP gateway of your system (IPv4 and optionally, IPv6)
  • IP netmask of your system (IPv4 and optionally, IPv6)
  • DNS server address
  • NTP server address

If you lack any of this information, please contact your organization's IT or system administrator for assistance.

Initialize Asset Manager

Follow this procedure to initialize Asset Manager:

  1. With your manual configuration information on hand (i.e., address, gateway, netmask, DNS, NTP), log into the Asset Manager CLI from your VMware console and press Enter.
    The Asset Manager Asset Manager Initial Configuration screen displays.

  2. Confirm or change the system's host name.

    To change the host name type a <new host name> and then press Enter.  This new name must be unique. To keep the default host name, just press Enter.

  3. Choose manual or automatic DHCP configuration. Although DHCP gives you a faster setup, manual configuration is recommended because it assigns a static IP address to the Asset Manager system.

    1. To choose manual configuration, type manual and press Enter.

  4. Enter an IP address such as and press Enter.

  5. Enter a netmask such as and press Enter.

  6. Enter the gateway's IPv4 address such as and press Enter.

  7. To supply a Domain Name Server (DNS) address manually, type manual and press Enter. 

  8. Enter the IP address of a DNS server such as and press Enter. 

  9. To allow DHCP to supply the Network Time Protocol (NTP), press Enter. Yes supplies default NTP servers from
    Otherwise, type manual to input your own NTP server.

  10. Enter the IP address of an NTP server such as and press Enter or enter yes to accept the system default.  
  11. The system has all the information it needs and begins processing.

    Processing generally completes in less than 10 seconds. 

  12. Your initial system configuration is complete; you are logged in to Asset Manager.

    Notice that you can pull up instructions or a list of commands with the help and ? commands, respectively.

    Next, input your product license key.

A license can be installed and activated via Asset Manager's command-line interface (CLI) or via Asset Manager's browser interface. Most installations require the Unique Universal Identifier (UUID), which can be retrieved via the CLI or browser. Refer to System Administration via CLI for these and all other CLI procedures.

To install a license via your web browser, do the following:

  1. Log in to https://<your Asset Manager IP or SystemName> using the default credentials.





    Asset Manager 3.2.6 and later system administrator admin (732)357-3500
    Asset Manager  3.2.6 and later manager manager Somerset,NJ08873
  2. In response to the prompt to upload your license, browse to your license file, select it, and then click Submit.
    The license is processed and the Asset Manager Asset Manager login screen displays.

    Congratulations! You are ready to begin.

Procuring a New License

Once a Asset Manager Asset Manager system has been deployed and initialized in your workplace, begin the license-activation process. This process involves providing your system identifier to Asset Manager Support, importing the license key they return to you, and activating your license via the Asset Manager CLI or Asset Manager browser interface.

Here's the procedure in detail:

  1. Browse Settings > Asset Manager Systems > System to display the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of your Asset Manager system.

  2. Copy-paste this UUID to an email message and send it to one of our support teams:
    1. If you have a free-trial copy of Asset Manager, send your UUID to trial_support@Asset
    2. If you have instantiated Asset Manager via Amazon Web Marketplace (AWM), contact sales@Asset to begin the license fulfillment process.
    3. Otherwise, send your UUID to support@Asset In response, Asset Manager Support will send you a message containing your license key file (or place the file in your account folder)app.
  3. Put the license file you receive from Asset Manager in a location that can be accessed via SSH.

License Activation

The certificate Asset Manager command in the Asset Manager Asset Manager CLI enables you to install a license or find out the activation date of your current license. You can also install a license via a browser interface.

Installation procedure via the CLI

Ensure that your Asset Manager license file has been saved to a computer running an SSH daemon before beginning this procedure.

  1. Log in Asset Manager Asset Manager CLI.
  2. Type certificate Asset Manager install<loginname@IPaddress:/directory/license_filename> at the command prompt and press Enter (e.g, certificate Asset Manager install junebug@

  3. The license installs and you are returned to the command prompt.

    The CLI session is no longer valid.  If you would like to continue working in the CLI, log in again.

Congratulations!  You are now a licensed user of Asset Manager Asset Manager!

Key Licensing Terminology

License IP Count Exceeded - If the total number of distinct IP addresses for all zones is greater than the number in your license agreement, then the Licensed IP Count is Exceeded. The IP count includes both active and inactive devices.

Devices that have aged out of the database because they have been inactive for a week or more are not included in the License IP Count.

If an IP address appears in multiple zones, it is counted as one IP address, even if it is associated with different devices.

A device may have more than one IP associated with it. We say that these IPs have been "consolidated" to a reference IP which is the IP used to, in most cases, refer to the device with which the IPs are associated.

Active IPs
IPs associated with a responsive device.  These may include interface IPs even if the IP wasn't responsive. Every IP associated with a device is considered active when any of those addresses are responsive.

Total IPs
All distinct IPs. This includes the IP addresses found in a device's interface table.