System Administration via CLI

Though spare in appearance, Asset Manager's command-line interface (CLI) is a powerful tool with many of the same capabilities as Asset Manager's GUI.  It also provides some functionality not yet available in Asset Manager's GUI.This section introduces the basic CLI syntax and provides the procedures you are most likely to use.

CLI Menu Structure

CLI commands are organized in tiered menus. Below are the commands available on the primary and secondary tiers.

Primary Tier of CLI
Command Purpose
authentication  Manage licenses, SSL certificates and authentication
certificate  Manage licenses and SSL certificates
collector  View and edit collectors
connections View and connect to Asset Manager systems
exit  Logout of the current CLI session
help  Display an overview of the CLI syntax
history  Display the current session's command line history
log  View and edit system log settings
logout  Logout of the current CLI session
organization  View and edit organizations
role  View and edit roles
support Tools for FireMon Customer Support
system View, edit system parameters; shutdown/reboot system
top Exit sub-command mode and return to top level
user View and edit users
zone View and edit zones
Secondary Tiers of CLI
Command Purpose
ad Show or set the user authentication mechanism
exit Logout of the current CLI session
help Display an overview of the CLI syntax
history                  Display the current session's command line history
ldap                      Configure authentication via LDAP
logout                  Logout of the current CLI session
pki                        Manage client-side authentication
radius                   Configure authentication via RADIUS
top                       Exit sub-command mode and return to top level


Command Purpose
ca                      Install or remove a new CA certificate
crl                      Install or remove the Certificate Revocation List
exit                    Logout of the current CLI session
help                   Display an overview of the CLI syntax
history               Display the current session's command line history
license               Install a new Asset Manager license certificate
logout               Logout of the current CLI session
ocsp                  Configure OCSP settings
server                Install or remove a new SSL server certificate
top                    Exit sub-command mode and return to top level
Command Purpose
connect             Connect command center to scout or portal
delete                Delete scout from command center
exit                    Logout of the current CLI session
help                   Display an overview of the CLI syntax
history               Display the current session's command line history
list                      List Asset Manager command centers and scouts
logout                Logout of the current CLI session
top                     Exit sub-command mode and return to top level
upgrade-scout Upgrade scout to a new version of Asset Manager

Previous to 4.7, this menu was named "Asset Manager"


Will close and log out of the current CLI session


[?] - Display either a list of possible command completions with summaries,
      or the full syntax of the current command. A subsequent repeat of this
      key, when a command has been resolved, will display a detailed reference.

The following keys perform auto-completion for the current command line.
If the command prefix is not unique then the bell will ring and a subsequent
repeat of the key will display possible completions.

[enter] - Auto-completes, syntax-checks then executes a command.
[space] - Auto-completes, or if the command is already resolved inserts a space.
[tab]   - Like [space], but can complete some variable data as well.

[^A] / [^E]      - Move to the start/end of the line
[up] / [down]    - Move to the previous/next command line held in history.
[left] / [right] - Move the insertion point left/right one character.

[^C]        - Delete and abort the current line
[^D] / [^H] - Delete the character to the right/left of the insertion point.
[^K] / [^U] - Delete all characters to the right/left of the insertion point.


Will display the current session's command line history

Command Purpose
cefserver   Show CEF syslog server settings or set CEF syslog server
exit        Logout of the current CLI session
help        Display an overview of the CLI syntax
history     Display the current session's command line history
level       Set or get the logging levels for FAM services
logout      Logout of the current CLI session
server      Show syslog server settings or set local or remote syslog server
services    Show the defined log services
show        View log data
top         Exit sub-command mode and return to top level

Will close the SSH connection

Command Purpose
delete    Delete an organization
exit      Logout of the current CLI session
help      Display an overview of the CLI syntax
history   Display the current session's command line history
list      Display information about organizations
logout    Logout of the current CLI session
new       Add new organization
top       Exit sub-command mode and return to top level
Command Purpose
exit      Logout of the current CLI session
help      Display an overview of the CLI syntax
history   Display the current session's command line history
list      Display all role names or, given a role, display its permissions
logout    Logout of the current CLI session
top       Exit sub-command mode and return to top level
users     Change role's users
Command Purpose
Run a Linux command
bash          Run an interactive bash subshell
db         Tools for database monitoring
details       Display Linux system & process details
diagnostics   Export a zip file containing system logs and diagnostic data
dnslookup     Query a DNS name server
exit          Logout of the current CLI session
help          Display an overview of the CLI syntax
history       Display the current session's command line history
logout        Logout of the current CLI session
ls            List files in a directory
ping          Send ICMP ping packets to another device
ps            Give details of current processes
queries       Display currently running database queries
resize        Extend LVM paritions
root-ssh   Enable or disable ssh to root
service       Start, stop or get status of FAM and system services
snmp Display the status of an SNMP agent or perform an SNMP walk
top           Exit sub-command mode and return to top level
traceroute  Print the route that packets trace to get to network host
Command Purpose
audit                       View or change system auditing
backup                      Generate a system backup
banner Set or display the login banner text
configuration  Export/import system configuration data
database-auditing View or change the database auditing policy
device-persistence-policy View or change the device persistence policy
dns                         View or change the DNS name servers
exit                        Logout of the current CLI session
expire-data-interval     View or change time period to remove old data
feed                        Get or set threat feed configuration
fips                        View or change FIPS mode
hardware-id      Get the system hardware identifier (UUID)
help                        Display an overview of the CLI syntax
history Display the current session's command line history
hostname                    View or change system hostname
interface                   Information about network interface card(s).
logout                      Logout of the current CLI session
ntp                         View or change the NTP name servers
password-controls     View or change password-controls state
password-parameters     View or change customized password parameters
reboot                      Restart the FAM appliance
reinit                      Re-run post-install setup program
shutdown                    Power off the FAM appliance
snmpd                       Configure the server SNMP agent
ssh                         Set or get the incoming SSH port
timeout                     View or change session timeout
top                         Exit sub-command mode and return to top level
type                        Is this system a command center or a scout?
upgrade  Upgrade to a new version of FAM
version Show the versions of FAM, Linux and packages
top Exit sub-command mode and return to top level
Command Purpose
delete      Delete user
exit        Logout of the current CLI session
help        Display an overview of the CLI syntax
history     Display the current session's command line history
key Fetch or remove user API key
list  Display all user names or, given a user, display details
logout Logout of the current CLI session
new         Add new user
password    Change user password
roles       Modify roles assigned to a user
superuser   Set or take away superuser privileges
top         Exit sub-command mode and return to top level


Command Purpose
customattributes   Specify IP/CIDR, Label and Value
delete             Delete a zone
discoveryspaces    Specify CIDR blocks
exit               Logout of the current CLI session
help               Display an overview of the CLI syntax
history            Display the current session's command line history
list               Show available zones or details of one zone
logout             Logout of the current CLI session
new                Add new zone
organization Change zone's organization
top                Exit sub-command mode and return to top level

CLI Syntax Tips

To see what's next and display syntax tips while working in it, press ? after a partial command for possible completions plus brief descriptions of the command's purpose and syntax.

If you press ?? after a command completes, an expanded description will display. 

You can navigate down through each menu tier by pressing  after entering a single command at that tier ( e.g., system  hardware-id ) or you can include the full command, separating each tier's command with a space. Press  at the end of the line (e.g., system hardware-id ).  Enclose values that have spaces in them such as "Finance Department"  in quotation marks (e.g., admin@Organization1> zone new "Finance Department" Organization1).

Enable NetFlow Capture

To enable NetFlow capture from the command-line interface:

  1. Log in to the CLI.
  2. At the command-line prompt, enter support service packetcapture start
  3. Exit the CLI.

Retrieving Your System's Hardware ID/ Identifying your UUID

The hardware-id command is useful as it displays the information you'll need to supply FireMon Support to generate a license.  You can also access your hardware ID via the
Asset Manager GUI.

  1. Log in to the CLI.
  2. At the command-line prompt, enter system hardware-id
    The hardware ID displays.

Install & Activate a License

The certificate license command in the CLI enables you to activate a license or find out the activation date of your current license. Licenses, however, are more frequently activated via the browser interface.

If you have a term license that entitles you to use the system for a limited time, the system will prompt you to install its key the first time you log in via the CLI. The license counter will begin at that point. You can use the CLI as much as you like; it does not decrement the license counter.

If a command requires a file upload, you have two choices. You can put the file on an SSH server or you can use an SFTP tool like PSFTP or FileZilla to copy the file to Asset Manager first.  

If the file is on an SSH server, then you can refer to it with this syntax: userid@sshserver:/path/to/file. For example if the file is on a server called "xenon" and you have an account on xenon with the name "alice" and the file is in your home directory and called "license.p12", you can use "alice@xenon:/home/alice/license.p12".

certificate license install alice@xenon:/home/alice/license.p12 

If the file is not on an SSH server, then use SFTP and your Asset Manager credentials to copy the file to the /tmp directory. Then you would use this syntax:

certificate license install /tmp/license.p12

  1. Log in to the CLI.
  2. If you have a term license,  type certificate license install  <loginname@IPaddress:/directory/license_filename> at the command prompt and press Enter (for example, certificate asset manager install junebug@
  3. The license installs and you are returned to the command prompt.
  4. Copy and paste the UUID to an email message and send it to our support team at In response, Support will send you a message containing your license key.
  5. Put the license file you receive from Support in a location that can be accessed by SSH. 

The following illustrates the syntax to install an Asset Manager license via the CLI. 

  1. Provide the location of your license file.  In the following screen capture, admin is the username, connections-command-center:Desktop/ is the location of the license file, and license.p12 is the filename of the license. For example: connections install admin@
  2. Type yes when prompted to continue. The license file loads and a confirmation message displays.

Enable/Disable Data Retention Policy

  • At the CLI command-line prompt, enter system device-persistence-policy for the status.
  • At the CLI command-line prompt, enter system device-persistence-policy enable to turn it on.
  • At the CLI command-line prompt, enter system device-persistence-policy disable to turn it off

Connect & Disconnect Scouts

  • At the CLI command-line prompt, enter connections connect to connect a Command Center to a Scout
  • At the CLI command-line prompt, enter connections delete to delete a Scout connected to the Command Center

Upgrade using CLI

To upgrade to a new version of Asset Manager, or to upgrade your Scouts, use the System Upgrade command, the syntax of which is user@host:path/to/local/file

  • At the CLI command-line prompt, enter certificate license install <user@host:path/to/local/file>
  • At the CLI command-line prompt, enter certificate license install admin@
    Open the file you receive to execute the upgrade.

Identify the Installed Version

 The system version Asset Manager command is especially useful when working with Support to Identify your release. 

Install Self-Signed Certificates

If a company uses its own certificates, they'll need to make use of the certificate ssl install command:
certificate ssl install friendlyName admin@

Identify the System ID

To retrieve the full name of a Scout such as Asset Manager32Scout:eth1, which is useful if you don't remember the full name, or want to see the IP address of your system, enter:

  1. system interface list
  2. Press the Tab key.
    The system name and interface ID displays.

Enable/Disable BGP

  • collector bgp <collector name> enabled [ true | false ] 

  • collector bgp <collector name> peer new <ipaddr> [ enable | disable ] <password> <remote AS> 

  • collector bgp <collector name> peer delete <ipaddr>

Export Support Diagnostics

To run the /api/rest/management/system/diagnostic/export API, use the CLI command: support diagnostics file

This command will return a zip file containing:

  • system configuration (same as configuration export command)
  • contents of /var/log
  • system "specs" file (name, uuid, Asset Manager version, os version, interface config)

Add a Superuser

Only a superuser can add or remove another user's superuser status. Multiple superusers are allowed. The last one cannot be deleted.

user superuser <userid> [ true | false ]

Export the System Configuration

This command (system configuration export) exports all configuration data to a remote file. To export the configuration and save the file remotely, run:
system configuration export username@hostname:<path to file>

Import a System Configuration

This command (system configuration import) imports configuration data from a file you've stored locally. To import configuration from the local system, run:
system configuration import <path to file>

Use of Special Characters in Names

Most symbols can be entered without any special quoting. If you want to include spaces or double quotes as part of a name, however, care must be taken. To use double quotes, enclose the entire string in double quotes and put a backslash in front of each double quote you wish to be part of the name:

  • admin@cc> collector new "before\"after" Zone1 cc:eth0
  • admin@cc> collector list
  • before"after
To use spaces, you have two choices. Either use a backslash before each space, or enclose the entire name in double quotes:
  • admin@cc> collector new with\ space Zone1 cc:eth0
  • admin@cc> collector new "two words" Zone1 cc:eth0
  • admin@cc> collector list
  • two words
  • with space
The above is true for passwords, zone names, and organization names, and with the exception of user names, anywhere you enter a free-form string.

User names cannot have special characters.

Connect Asset Manager Components

Use the Interface parameter in the third position to indicate the Asset Manager component to which you intend to connect (command-center, portal or scout). In addition, when you connect a command center and portal, you need to supply location information for Command Center and can optionally enter a label and icon (avatar).

From Command Center:
connections connect portaportal_name_or_ip portal cc_lat cc_long cc_label [user@host:path/to/cc_icon/file.png ] ]
connections connect scout scout_name_or_ip

From Scout:
connections connect command-center  cc_name_or_ip { command-center | scout }
 (where the final parameter is the connection initiator)

Disable FIPS

To disable FIPS:

  • system fips disable
  • system reboot