Forward DNS Lookups

Now a device on your network with an IPv4 address and hostname can report its related IPv6 address to Lumeta (and vice versa). Two devices sharing the same name––one of them with an IPv4 address and the other with IPv6––can both be reported out by Lumeta. You can use the checkboxes to specify which related hosts you want to retrieve (i.e., all related, IPv4-related, IPv6-related, or none). This enables Lumeta to discover and profile more IPv6 hosts. 

To support this host acquisition capability, we've added a new option to the Settings > Zones > DNS tab. This "Use host names to find related IP addresses" checkbox will enable you to target a host whose name is associated with multiple IPv4 and IPv6 records and use the discovered host name to retrieve any IPv4 or IPv6 addresses associated with that name.

If, for example, you were to target the zone collector to  and choose "find related" in the DNS configuration, shown below, and use internal DNS server, the zone would find not only but also 2600:802:460:425::1 and

Results as shown in the DNS and Routing Indices dashboard. Notice that the new feature reports IPv6 addresses in addition to the related IPv4 addresses. 

Results as shown in the All Devices report:

To control the "Use host name to find related IP addresses" checkbox from your Lumeta Command Center CLI, use the commands:

TO . . .RUN the CLI command . . .EXAMPLE
Find related IPs (check the box)

collector dns collectorname forwardqueries { true | false }

collector dns LUM-980 DNS forwardqueries true
Return to default (clear the box)collector dns LUM-980 DNS forwardqueries false
Show configuration statuscollector list name collectorname [ dns ]collector list name LUM-980 DNS