Follow these steps to deploy the Lumeta Command Center or Lumeta Scout into your AWS account.

Step 1: Launch the Lumeta System (Command Center or Scout) into you appropriate AWS region.

Step 2: Select Instance Type and Details

1. Select the instance type t2.2xlarge.
2. Click Next: Configure Instance Details and set the details per your organization’s
preferences, which may be to accept all of the defaults. 

3. Click Next: Add Storage

Step 3: Add Storage 

1. Accept the default values.
2. Click Next: Add Tag.
Tags are optional. Use them to label, identify, or keep an inventory of instances.
3. Click Next: Configure Security Group

Step 4: Configure Security Groups 

1. Create a new security group and configure these inbound security rules:

TypeProtocolPort Range

2. Click Review and Launch

3. Click Launch

Step 5: Create a Private Key

1. Select or create a private key pair

2. Download the private key pair and store it in a safe and accessible location.
The private key pair is required to login to the Lumeta System (Command Center or Scout). 

You can use the private key to ssh into the Lumeta system as user admin to reach the Lumeta CLI. 

Or ssh as user ec2-admin with private key for direct shell access.

Thereafter, you’ll log into the UI as the user admin with the password you set during the software’s initial

Step 6: Launch Instance 

1. From a terminal window such as PuTTY or Terminal, log in to your Lumeta system as the
user admin, authenticating with your private key file.

a. Input the IPv4 Public IP address as the Host Name.
b. Import your private key file. If you are using PuTTY, use PuTTYgen to convert the pem
format to ppk format. Use the ppk-formatted key when you connect using PuTTY.
The FireMon Lumeta Initial Configuration screen displays.
c. Press Enter to continue.

2. Accept the default values by pressing Enter in response to these prompts:

a. New host name or to keep the old one?

b. How would you like to configure the network? (dhcp|manual) [dhcp]

c. How would you like to configure DNS? (dhcp|manual) [dhcp]

d. How would you like to configure NTP? (dhcp|manual) [dhcp]

3. Enter a new admin password containing 8 characters. Use at least one uppercase letter, one
lowercase letter, one number, and one special character.

4. Confirm the password and press Enter. Your initial system configuration is complete.

Your Licensed System

Congratulations! Your Lumeta System is deployed. Now that both the Enterprise Command Center
and the Enterprise Scout are up and running, configure them to generate an authoritative index of
your assets, inclusive of devices on private, on-premises, virtual, and cloud networks.