To build a dashboard menu in Lumeta, tag dashboards with a category name. The category name becomes an option on the Dashboard menu. The dashboard bearing the tag nests within the newly defined menu option.

  1. In the Lumeta GUI, browse to Dashboards > Dashboard Manager.

  2. Select the dashboard to which you want to add a submenu.
    The dashboard can be one of the standard dashboards that comes with Lumeta, a dashboard you had created, or a new dashboard.

  3. Click Edit or Add Dashboard.
     For the full procedure on adding a new dashboard that includes submenu options, go to the Adding a Dashboard page.

  4. In the Tags field, enter a tag for a new or existing submenu using the syntax
    $category:<name of dashboard submenu>$
    For example, $category:Lumeta Performance Monitors$

  5. Click Update Dashboard.
    The updates are reflected in the Dashboard menu.

    Edit Dashboard:
    Use to add submenu of standard Lumeta dashboards

    Edit Dashboard:
    Use to add submenu to a customer-created dashboard

    Add Dashboard:
    Use to add customer-created dashboard to customer-created submenu

  6. Continue organizing the Dashboard menu, repeating steps 2 - 4 as needed.