Watch this video for an overview of the value of FireMon Security Manager (SM) plus FireMon Asset Manager:

To validate that devices on your network are managed by Firemon SM, integrate it with Asset Manager. Then check the results on the FireMon Management Dashboard dashboard. 

Here's how the integration works:

  1. Asset Manager accesses the API of SM (at a polling interval set by the user) and retrieves the inventory of SM-managed endpoints.
  2. Asset Manager correlates this inventory against Asset Manager's authoritative index of IP address space. Any endpoint devices not running SM are reported as undefended and not managed.
  3. Asset Manager highlights the differences and commonalities in views presented on the FireMon Management Dashboard dashboard.

Criteria for Devices Pushed to Security Intelligence Platform

Upon Discovery by Asset Manager, a device must meet two criteria to be pushed to SM as a Synthetic Router

  1. Device must be an SNMP Responder
  2. Device must have more than one Interface

User Permissions Requirements

The following user permissions need be configured in the Administration module, at a minimum, for this integration to work: 

To create or edit the user group, browse to Administration > Access > User Groups.

Configuring the FireMon Feed

To configure the FireMon Security Intelligence Platform integration:

  1. On Asset Manager's main menu, browse to Settings > Integrations > FireMon

  2. Enable the integration by moving the Active slider to the right.

  3. Input a Polling Interval to indicate the time that should elapse between fetching the latest feed data. Input 24 to poll daily, input 12 to poll twice a day, and so on.

  4. Input the IP address or system name of your SIP server.

  5. Input your SM credentials.

  6. Click Submit.  

See FireMon Management Dashboard to see where the data from this integration populates in the Asset Manager and SM browser interfaces.