Who is it for?

Asset Manager is for those of you with an interest in understanding a network–getting your arms around its behavior, its steady state, the types and number of equipment running on it, its strengths, and its weaknesses.

Whether you're engaged in the "care and feeding" of a network on a tactical basis, have an interest in improving its throughput, security, and capability to accommodate change, must respond to an audit, or must know immediately of a security breach, Asset Manager is of value.

Executive Management

Security Operations

Network Operations

Audit & Compliance

Asset Manager Partners

Security Operations

You're responsible for ensuring that your network–the primary shared resource of your enterprise–is safe for doing business. You keep customer financial and personal information away from malware and malcontents and prevent news-making security lapses from occurring  The burden of "putting on the brakes" is yours.  You must fight to maintain a secure network and hard perimeter in an environment where the pressure to create value for stakeholders and shareholders makes all manner of reasonable people feel compelled to take shortcuts. 

Ideally, your organization works hand-in-hand with Network Operations, each keeping the other informed of network additions, reductions, and changes to so that security is never compromised.  Your charter to make network changes carefully and securely, however,  may run counter to Network Operations' imperative to satisfy business needs expediently. In this, Asset Manager can serve as a checks-and-balances mechanism supporting rapid yet secure change and minimizing the need for bureaucratic oversight.

You can configure Asset Manager to catch the security lapses defined by your organization. This means your rules, your thresholds, your locations, your exceptions. Asset Manager real-time monitoring  enables rapid provisioning while you know immediately of any changes that fail your security thresholds.  

When the time comes to deliver persuasive and efficacious security and risk-related proposals to executive management, Asset Manager becomes invaluable.  Asset Manager can provide empirical data to convey the rationale behind your proposed network security initiatives, procurement, and provisioning. Documentation, statistics, reports, and graphs from Asset Manager support your argument to executive management.

In most organizations, Network Security takes the lead on:

  • Putting measures in place to prevent news-making security lapses
  • Protecting customer data and personal information 
  • Ensuring that network jobs and changes are done securely
  • Protecting the enterprise from malware and those that would harm it
  • Want to avoid a threat or respond to one.
  • Wants jobs done securely.
  • Corporate preservation and brand protection
  • Automate security processes through integration
  • Have a clear understanding of their enterprise’s network
  • Unearthing security gaps in enterprise network
  • Demonstrate business needs around security and risk to senior management
  • Understand and measure the impact of change on security
  • Understand the trends within the enterprise impacting security
  • Support the right fix; not the easy one. 

Network Operations

Your organization collects and processes IP network information for a variety of different purposes--provisioning and dimensioning, fault detection and diagnosis, 
accounting, SLA reporting and more. You're responsible for managing network performance, implementing change, fixing outages; righting "wrongages," and troubleshooting problems such as routing loops, access control issues, traps, slowness, downed links, and connectivity issues.

Your Network Operations team analyzes problems and monitors networks for conditions requiring intervention. More likely than not, you are under some pressure from management for more throughput and by developers to reduce barriers, even temporarily, so that demands from the business units can be satisfied quickly. 

In most organizations, Network Security takes the lead on:

  • Keep the network running quickly and efficiently.
  • Resolve network problems quickly and efficiently.
  • Provision quickly and efficiently.
  • Add, remove, and provide access to network assets.
  • Self-preservation and fulfilling business needs
  • Implement the right fix, not the easy one. 

Asset Manager Partners 

Strategy, technology, and management consulting firms and those companies whose mission is to guide client companies toward excellence need to set up client companies with best-of-breed technology solutions.

In-place systems and platforms can do more and deliver more comprehensive results when buoyed by Asset Manager foundational intelligence.

If your practice area is among the following:

  • Risk management
  • Security
  • Business Solutions
  • Technology
  • Audit and assurance
  • Network Engineering
  • Management consulting

Talk to us about partnering with us so that you too can bring the benefits of Asset Manager to your clientele.

Audit & Compliance

Compliance folks concern themselves with audits, risk assessments, setting and following policies around security, and ensuring that others do too.  You participate in setting, disseminating, and enforcing your company's network security posture. You'd like a way to speedily generate authoritative proof of compliance to all network policy.

You're concerned about audits, risk assessments, setting and following policies around security, and ensuring that others do too.  Concerned with setting, disseminating, and enforcing security network posture. Interested in the ability to speedily provide authoritative proof of their company’s compliance to all network policy.

In most organizations, Network Security takes the lead on:

  • Enforce rules and prove they’ve been enforced.
  • Enterprise preservation
  • Create rules that operationalize corporate mission, values, and policy. 

Executive Management

Executive leaders need situational awareness.  Asset Manager delivers it via reports and maps that enable you to maintain a posture of continual network situational awareness.