Verifying CEF Event mapped on qRadar as Asset ManagerAsset ManagerCustom_ext event
To confirm that Asset Manager CEF events mapped successfully to qRadar . . .
- First, verify log activity on qRadar.
- Confirm that the Event Names you see listed are similar to this sample and properly represent events generated by Asset Manager.
- Verify that the Log Source is Asset Manager.
- Verify that the Low Level Category is set to Information.
- Verify that the Source IP is set to the Asset Manager Command Center's IP.
- Double-click any Event and you will see the screen as below.
- Verify that the custom labels: Device Product, Device Vendor, Device Version, c6a3, cn1, cn1Label, dhost, suser are set to values as defined in in the CEF to qRadar Property Mapping.
- Verify Payload Information shows the CEF event format.