Useful Queries

SELECT "device_ip", "device_active", protocols, deviceattributes[*'attr_type'*] , deviceattributes[1]['attr_type'] as type,deviceattributes[1]['attr_name']::string as attrname, "deviceattributes", "attribute_type"

FROM "devicemodel" where deviceattributes[1]['attr_name']::string = :attr_name(String,'')

Query to show a specific attribute for a host

What if customer wants to see sysObjectID attribute value for a host? In general, attributes are defined in deviceattributes array (field in devicemodel and devicemodel_allzones views)

Each element of the array looks like:


  • device_id: 37,
  • attr_type: "ASName",
  • attr_name: "Asset Manager",
  • userdefined: false


so if we want to find information about attribute sysObjectID, we need to filter the field to return us attr_type set to sysObjectID.

  • filter(deviceattributes, [x] -> x['attr_type'] = 'sysObjectID')[*'attr_name'*] should get you attribute name for sysObjectID.

 Here is an example in the query as below:

select filter(deviceattributes, [x] -> x['attr_type'] = 'sysObjectID')[*'attr_name'*] as attributename, device_ip from devicemodel where device_ip=''

Quick search for tables by schema, specifying certain tables in that schema

observer=#\dt system.*: contains zone, user, collector

observer=#\dt events.*: contains event, notification

observer=#\dt zone.* contains target, attribute, device, interface, etc

observer=#\dt zone_000x.* information of particular zone.  Note the 'x' will be the id in select * from

observer=#\dn to list schemas

Show distinct IPs on system:  good for exceeding license problems

select count(distinct ip) from zone.device;

select zone_id, count(distinct ip) from zone.device GROUP BY zone_id;

Query to show all collector-related events

select id, type, time, details from event.notification_all where type like 'COLLEC%';

Query to show all collector-related events initiated by user admin

select id, type, time, details from event.notification_all where type like 'COLLEC%' and details && array['user:admin'::text];

Query to show all collector-related events filtered by specific date

select id, type, time, details from event.notification_all where type like 'COLLEC%' and time>to_timestamp ('201-0-08 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS');

Query to show all collector-related events filtered by specific date initiated by user admin

select id, type, time, details from event.notification_all where type='COLLECTOR_UPDATED' and time >to_timestamp ('201-0-08 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') and details && array['user:admin'::text];

Query to show all active db queries

select * from pg_stat_activity where state='active';

Query to reset the age-out value for a device

update system.config set value='1' where key='maxDeviceAge';

where the value is in number of days. This query will reset your device age out time from 7 days (which is by default) to 1 day (that the customer is setting).