Tour of Analytics

The how-to-discover aspect is established in Asset Manager by associating collectors with discovery configurations. The configurations describe the instructions a collector must execute via a Command Center or Scout interface and the data the collectors must bring back to the Command Center for analysis. Keep a bird's-eye view on your network (and also fly in as needed for a closer look) using dashboards, maps, and reports.

With your Scouts positioned to provide additional network visibility, your zones defined, and your collectors configured, Asset Manager is ready to discover, index,  and load your analytics tools with meaningful data.

What are dashboards?

Dashboards provide overviews of network activity, operations, cyberthreats, assets, and indices. The standard set of Asset Manager dashboards provides useful global overviews of network characteristics pertaining to all zones to which you have access. Dashboards are also flexible and easily customized. You can narrow the global-zone perspective to a one-zone perspective, specify which sets of widgets should display in a dashboard, create click-through dashboards, and create entirely new dashboards of widgets you've created to suit your purpose. 

What are reports?

Reports provide a view of one zone, right now from many perspectives. This release comes with more than 40 reports you can use on demand, refresh-to-current, and schedule to run automatically, on a repeated basis. You can also build customized reports that leverage Asset Manager tables, objects, models, and views.

Summary Reports - compare two vectors and display as a pie charts
Detail Reports - Compare multiple vectors and display as tables

What are maps?

Maps enable you to visualize the connectedness of your network and the distribution of resources within a zone. You can also . . .

  • Group by characteristic (first/second/third octet, device type/OS/vendor, grouped/ungrouped/fully expanded)
  • Filter by device type, management status (known/unknown) or association with cyber-vulnerability.
  • Label your map nodes based on IP address, sysName, MAC address, vendor, device type, or operating system (OS).
  • Set node properties and accessibility preferences

You can show one device's position relative to others within its network topology by navigating to it on a map from a report.

Maps depend on Path Discovery and can only be generated when Path Discovery has been enabled.

To generate data-filled maps and reports, you'll need to add Scouts that provide the required visibility and perspective, configure collectors, and define a zone of activity.