Field Requirements & Limits

Most symbols can be entered without any special quoting. If you want to include spaces or double quotes as part of a name, however, care must be taken. To use double quotes, enclose the entire string in double quotes and put a backslash in front of each double quote you wish to be part of the name:

  • admin@cc> collector new "before\"after" Zone1 cc:eth0
  • admin@cc> collector list
  • before"after

To use spaces, you have two choices. Either use a backslash before each space, or enclose the entire name in double quotes:

  • admin@cc> collector new with\ space Zone1 cc:eth0
  • admin@cc> collector new "two words" Zone1 cc:eth0
  • admin@cc> collector list
  • two words
  • with space

The above is true for passwords, zone names, and organization names and, with the exception of user names, anywhere you enter a free-form string. 

User names have a limited set of special characters. Usernames are subject to additional restrictions carried over from applications outside of Asset Manager and no special characters are allowed. There discrepancies across in sources about whether upper or lower case is allowed and whether periods and hyphens are allowed, so the safer route is to limit usernames to the characters a to z, A to Z, numbers 0 to 9, periods, underscores, and string length between 1 to 31.

What's Allowed

Field Type Minimum Characters Maximum Characters Letters Allowed Numbers Allowed Special Characters Allowed
Organization name 1 32 y y y
Zone name 1 32 y y y
Collector name 1 32 y y y
Password 1 32 y y y
Username 1


y y limited
Report name 1 32 y y y
Comment 0 256 y y y
Dashboard name 1 32 y y y
Widget name 1 64  y y y
Attribute label 1 32 y y y
Attribute value 0 64 y y y

Special Characters Allowed

The following selection of punctuation characters are present on standard US keyboard and allowed in the Asset Manager fields identified above. 

Character Name Unicode

Space U+0020
 ! Exclamation U+0021
" Double quote U+0022
# Number sign (hash) U+0023
$ Dollar sign U+0024
 % Percent U+0025
& Ampersand U+0026
' Single quote U+0027
( Left parenthesis U+0028
) Right parenthesis U+0029
* Asterisk U+002A
+ Plus U+002B
, Comma U+002C
- Minus U+002D
. Full stop U+002E
/ Slash U+002F
 : Colon U+003A
 ; Semicolon U+003B
< Less than U+003C
= Equal sign U+003D
> Greater than U+003E
 ? Question mark U+003F
@ At sign U+0040
[ Left bracket U+005B
\ Backslash U+005C
] Right bracket U+005D
^ Caret U+005E
_ Underscore U+005F
` Grave accent (backtick) U+0060
{ Left brace U+007B
| Vertical bar U+007C
} Right brace U+007D
~ Tilde U+007E

The same list as string (between double quotes): " !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~"

The IP/CIDR address lists and port lists you import to Asset Manager must conform to the basic syntax provided on this page.  Examples are provided.

Target List

  • Flat ASCII format, one CIDR block per line followed by a text label, separated by a space
  • A text label, with a maximum of 50 characters. Labels may contain letters, numbers and underscores.
  • Single IP addresses are permitted; list these as a /32 CIDR block (e.g.
  • Overlapping CIDR blocks are permitted (e.g. including and

   Example: North America



Avoid List

  • A text label, with a maximum of 50 characters. Labels may contain letters, numbers and underscores.
  • Single IP addresses are permitted; list these as a /32 CIDR block (e.g.
  • CIDRs in this list may overlap fully or partially with the Target list.

Example: Servers

            Partner Network

            Customer Network

Stop List

  • A text label, with a maximum of 50 characters. Labels may contain letters, numbers and underscores.
  • Single IP addresses are required; list these as IP addresses, NOT in CIDR notation
  • IP addresses in this list may be contained within the Target list.
  • The maximum number of Stop List entries is 5000.

Example: Gateway to Servers

            Partner Gateway

            Customer Gateway

SNMP Community Strings

  • Flat ASCII format, one community string per line

Example:     LANRead



Note:   The following characters are NOT supported in the SNMP Community String:

  • Control characters (ASCII 0-31)
  • Space (ASCII 32)
  • Comma (ASCII 44)
  • Backslash (ASCII 92)
  • Del (ASCII 127)

The default community credentials are as follows:


Note:   For SNMP queries to be effective, Asset Manager must be placed on a subnet (or given an IP address) that is authorized to poll the routers for SNMP. This may require modification of access control lists (ACL) to permit SNMP access from Asset Manager. Without this capability, the value of Path Discovery is reduced.

Port List

  • Flat ASCII format, one entry per line
  • Each entry is a port number and text description, separated by a space

The following is the default list of TCP ports used for Port Discovery in Asset Manager:
Vulnerable Ports
Infection Ports
Common Ports

  • 21 FTP
  • 22 SSH
  • 23 Telnet
  • 25 SMTP
  • 80 HTTP
  • 88 Kerberos
  • 110 POP3
  • 135 CIFS
  • 139 CIFS
  • 445 CIFS
  • 548 AFP over TCP
  • 3306 MySQL
  • And also 3389,3689,5432,5631,5900,5901,17500,62078