Subscribing to Notifications

The Settings > Notification Subscriptions page enables you to subscribe to event notifications of interest and prioritize each type of event. Then, provided you are a user with superuser status, you can then send subscribed events to your preferred external syslog server. Here, they can be combined with notifications from other sources to become a rich resource for network analysis.

Notifications pertaining to discrete network devices, all network devices in a zone, and the global Asset Manager system are made available in a variety of useful contexts throughout Asset Manager such as the Events by Type and Events by Zone dashboards and the All Notifications, Notifications by Type, and Notifications by Priority reports.

Device- & System-Level Notifications

Device-level Notifications provide topology-related information pertaining to all devices in a single zone. You can subscribe to notifications that indicate when a network box became active on the network and when it stopped being responsive. Or you can be notified when Asset Manager discovers a device, edge, node, or leak. Asset Manager reports on all event types by default.

  1. On the Asset Manager main menu, browse to Settings > Notification Subscriptions.
  2. On the Devices tab, first subscribe (Add) or revise your subscription (Edit) to the events.
  3. Clear the Subscribed checkbox to stop receiving notifications on event types that are not of interest to your organization,
  4. Select the Subscribed checkbox for those notification types you want to receive.
  5. Specify the level of urgency associated with each category of event: low is informational, medium is warning, or high is alert.

Standard Device-level Notifications

Event Name

Event Type




Device Activity



 Device Discovered            





Device Profilied



 Device Removed               





 Device Updated               





 Edge Discovered              





 Leak Discovered              





 Node Discovered              





 Notification Acknowledged    





 Notification Acknowledged All





Open Port Discovered


Router Updated



 Router Discovered            





Router Removed


Router Updated



You can choose to filter the device notifications by device type, vendor, operating system, and other criteria. 

System-level Notifications indicate administrative activities and statuses related to the running of all of Asset Manager (i.e., all zones) such as a mechanism starting or stopping, a collector being created, updated or removed, a job starting or completing, or a license in need of some level of attention (i.e., a license reminder, warning, or violation.)

  • On the System tab, first subscribe (Add) or revise your subscription (Edit) to the events.
  • Clear the Subscribed checkbox to stop receiving notifications on event types that are not of interest to your organization,
  • Select the Subscribed checkbox for those notification types you want to receive.
  • Specify the level of urgency associated with each category of event: low is informational, medium is warning, or high is alert.

In Reports > Browse Real-Time, you can view the All Notifications report, export the notification history, refresh the report page, and sort report data alphanumerically by clicking column headings. 

The following tables shows default Event Name|Event Type for System Notification that the Asset Manager box comes with. You cannot add more System Notifications, but you can subscribe/unsubscribe from this list:

Event Name

Event Type




 Agent Connected              





 Agent Started                





 Agent Status                 





 Agent Stopped                





 Collector Created            





 Collector Removed            





 Collector Updated            





 Discovery Agent Notification 





 Job Completed                





 Job Started                  





 License Reminder             





 License Violation            





 License Warning              





 Log Level Updated            





 Remote Update Started        





 Scout Connected              





 Scout Disconnected           





 Update Error                 





 Update Step                  





 Update Warning               





 User Created                 





 User Removed                 





 User Updated                 





 Zone Created                 





 Zone Removed                 





 Zone Updated                 





Notification Subscription Policy