Search Syntax

Special words and punctuation marks that can be used to enhance and more efficiently refine your Asset Manager search.

Match phrase search:
"Asset Manager Discovery Configuration"
Add double quotes (" ") to search for content that contains the phrase within the quote, or results where the words themselves are major. Note: St

op words (and, or, the) will be ignored, even if placed in quotes. Also, keep in mind that the search engine will not return results with a different word positioning than entered. For instance, the search "stopping, starting, rebooting" will not return "starting, stopping, rebooting"

OR search:
leaks OR alerts OR protocols
Use to search for content that contains one of several words. Place OR between words. Use OR in capital letters.

AND search:
leaks AND alerts AND protocols
Use to search for content that contains a series of words. Place AND between words. Use AND in capital letters.

NOT search:
leaks NOT alerts
Use to search for content that contains one term, but not the other. Place NOT between words. Use NOT in capital letters.

Excluded term search:
leaks alerts -protocols
Use to search for content that contains some terms, but not others. Write all desirable terms (terms you want to see in a specific document) first, and then write undesirable terms, placing a hyphen (-) before each.

Grouping search:
(leaks OR alerts) AND protocols
Use to search for content that must contain a certain word, but can contain a series of others. Place AND between words that must exist. Place O R between words that can exist in the document. Also, make sure to place terms that can exist within parentheses. Both AND and OR must be capitalized.

Title search:
title: SNMP
Use to search for content that contains a certain word in its title, placing "title:" (without quotations) before the desired word.

Wildcard searches:

Use the * symbol to substitute for one or more characters in a search and ? can be substituted for one character. You can also do a partial string search

  • ?eak for "eak or beak

  • serv* for server or service

  • *ive for archive or drive

  • s*r* for server or service

  • s*r? to get server, but not service

  1. Search for two words whose only differences are a single letter in the same place. Place a question mark in the spot (where the letters differ) to find either.

  2. Can use wildcard search to find multiple words that start the same, but end differently. Place an asterisk (*) after the similar sequence of letters of the two words.

  3. Can use wildcard search for find multiple words that end the same, but start differently. Place an asterisk (*) before the first similar sequence of letters of the two words.

  4. Can use methods 3 and 4 of wildcard searches at multiple spots within the word to further narrow the search.

  5. Can combine question marks "?" and asterisks "*" to get an even more narrow wildcard search.

Proximity searches:
"leaks hosts" ~12
(12 being the number of words between)
Use a tilde "
~" following a number to find two words within a certain amount of words of each other. Place the two designated words within quotes at the start of the search.

Note: Placing a 0 after the tilde is unacceptable.