
An important early step in conducting any census of managed assets is to validate IPAM tracking and allocation data. To that end, Infoblox has been integrated to Asset Manager. The Asset Manager-Infoblox integration brings the reach of Asset Manager’s network discovery to the IP address management (IPAM) space.

When you activate the Infoblox IPAM integration, Asset Manager . . .

  1. Queries Infoblox

  2. Correlates that data against what Asset Manager “knows”

  3. Generates reports

  4. Pushes metadata about discovered devices to Infoblox

This integration reconciles data between Asset Manager and Infoblox without directly reading or modifying Infoblox tables: All pull/update operations are performed by API calls. This integration enables you to produce and export an IP list with which you can update Infoblox's data. With the two solutions working together, gaps in IP management coverage are eliminated and your organization can accurately account for its assets under management.

Configuration via Asset Manager GUI

This procedure applies to Asset Manager 3.2.4 and later systems. For deployment via the Linux shell, see Deployment & Configuration via Asset Manager CLI.

To configure connectivity between the Asset Manager Command Center and the Infoblox server:

  1. On the Asset Manager main menu, browse to Settings > Integrations  > Other Solutions > Infoblox.

  2. Provide connection credentials, described here:

    Field Example Description
    Polling Interval 24 How often (in hours) that Asset Manager should poll Infoblox for information
    Server Name The Server name or IP address of the Infoblox server. 
    Server User Name infoblox Your Infoblox username
    Server Password ********

    Your Infoblox password

  3. Click to toggle the Active control from red to green.

    Infoblox is configured.

    For more on this integration's reports, see the IP Address Management page.
    To see the results within Infoblox, log into Infoblox and browse to Data Management > IPAM.