Dashboard Overview & Management

Asset Manager dashboards aggregate a variety of useful information on a single page. They provide you with an at-a-glance overview of one-or-more zone's activity, behavior, and risk status from a variety of perspectives.

The standard set of Asset Manager dashboards provides useful global overviews of network characteristics pertaining to all zones to which you have access. They are flexible and easily customized. You can narrow the global-zone perspective to a one-zone perspective, specify which sets of widgets should display in a dashboard, create click-through dashboards, and create entirely new dashboards of widgets you've created to suit your purpose.

Each panel on a dashboard is called a widget.  Widgets display the results of queries, which request data from either a single table or joined tables, which are called views

Asset Manager installs with several default dashboards, which you can use as-is or adapt, reorganize, add onto, or replace with those you build on your own.

Asset Manager Asset Manager 3.3.2 Dashboards

Native Asset Manager Indexing
Native + partner app

Predominantly About

Dashboard Name Widgets on Dashboard

Breach Detection - Classic

Breach Detection - iDefense

  1. Zombie Devices
  2. Tor Nodes
  3. TorFlow Charting
  4. Nefarious Ports Summary
  5. ThreatFlow Charting
  6. ThreatFlow Charting - Breach Detection Classic only
  7. Threatflow by Malware Family - Breach Detection iDefense only
  8. Threatflow by Threat Type - Breach Detection iDefense only

Depends on partner apps:

  • iDefense
  • Gigamon
Your network security
Core Indices
  1. Forwarding Device Summary
  2. Forwarding Device Detail
  3. Known Networks
  4. Known Networks Detail
  5. IP Utilization
  6. IP Utilization Detail
Asset Manager Indexing Your network operations
Device Response Statistics
  1. Distinct Device Responses with Multiple Intervals
Asset Manager Indexing  Asset Manager
Discovery Data Metrics
  1. Incoming Discovery Updates by Scan Type
  2. Incoming Discovery Updates by Collector
  3. Incoming Messages by Collector
  4. Incoming Messages by Scan Type
  5. Incoming Discovery Updates Detail
  6. Process Discovery Updates Detail
Asset Manager Indexing  Asset Manager
DNS and Routing Indices
  1. DNS Summary
  2. DNS Details
  3. Autonomous Systems Summary
  4. Autonomous Systems Detail
  5. Discovered BGP and OSPF Routes
Asset Manager Indexing Your network operations
Dynamic Edge
  1. Inbound Leaks
  2. Outbound Leaks
  3. Leaking Forwarders
  4. Forwarders with Unknown Routes
  5. Unknown Perimeter Forwarders
Asset Manager Indexing Your network security
Endpoint Trends
  1. Endpoint Discovered Counts Summary
  2. Endpoint Profiled Counts Summary
  3. Endpoints Discovered - All Zones
  4. Endpoints Profiled - All Zones
Asset Manager Indexing Your network operations
Indexing Statistics
  1. Devices by Zone
  2. Events by Zone
  3. Events by Type
  4. Events Detail
Asset Manager Indexing Your network operations

Depends on partner apps:

  1. iDefense
  2. Carbon Black
  3. Cisco
  4. FireMon
  5. Infoblox
  6. McAfee
  7. Qualys
  8. RedSeal
  9. Tenable
Your network security
Most Recent Activities
  1. Most Recent Notifications
  2. Most Recent Targets
Asset Manager Indexing  Asset Manager
Performance Metrics
  1. Incoming Message Queue Depth
  2. Heap Stats by Time
  3. Message Throughput
  4. Processed Discovery Updates Throughput
  5. Incoming Discovery Updates Throughput
  6. Requests by Collector
Asset Manager Indexing  Asset Manager
Rogue Networks and Devices
  1. Forwarders with No SNMP Access by Device Type
  2. Unknown Devices by Device Type
  3. Unknown Wireless Devices
  4. Unknown Devices Note in Route CIDRS
Asset Manager Indexing Your network security
SSL Certificates
  1. Certificates expired versus valid
  2. Expired Certificates in Private versus Public Space
  3. Self Signed Certificates by Issues
  4. Certificates by Certificate Type
Asset Manager Indexing Your network operations
Dashboard Manger
  1. Add
  2. Edit
  3. Copy
  4. View
  5. Delete
  6. Filter
Asset Manager Indexing  Asset Manager

The dashboard names and organization was significantly changed in the Asset Manager 3.3.1 release. 

 Note: The Cisco pxGrid dashboard was temporarily removed for renovations at release 3.2.7.

Asset Manager 3.2.6 Dashboards

  • Breach Detection with Emerging Threats & iDefense - Provides a window into how your network is faring relative to emerging cyber threats. Shows NetFlow interaction between devices on your network and known bad actor IP addresses supplied by ingested threat feeds. Shows devices/assets that have been compromised. Shows devices with ISC Trojan ports open. Reports ports and devices on your network that match known port and network participants in nefarious cyber-activity.
  • Cisco pxGrid - Enables you to exchange context with Cisco products and validate endpoint, identity group, security group, and session data from a Cisco pxGrid server. To make use of this integration, your network must be running the Cisco pxGrid agent and you must have login credentials to the Cisco pxGrid server.
  • Core Indices - Network essentials including the proportion of forwarding devices, known networks and IP utilization in a zone.
  • DNS & Routing Indices - Network essentials including DNS and web service requests in a zone.
  • Dynamic Edge -  Monitors the perimeter of your network:  inbound and outbound leaks, leaking forwarders, forwarders with unknown routes, and unknown perimeter forwarders.
  • Endpoint Management - Facilitates identification and remediation of vulnerable and compromised endpoints by assembling views into Asset Manager-only IPs, Carbon Black-only IPs, and combined Asset Manager+Carbon Black IPs.
  • ePO Management - Analytics showing IPs managed and unmanaged by McAfee ePolicy Security Manager.
  • Indexing Stats - An overview of the zones for which you are responsible: Names, size, proportion, events. Provides an in-place "drill-down" to device details and a secondary panel of event-related details.
  • IP Address Management - Analytics showing IPs managed and unmanaged by Infoblox.
  • Most Recent Activities - Reports the most-recent device indexing-related notifications such as Device Discovered and Device Updated.  Also reports the most recent devices Targeted during device discovery.
  • Performance Matrix -  3.3 Metrics to help you oversee the health and well-being of your Asset Manager system
  • Rogue Networks & Devices - 3.2.4
  • SSL Certificates - 3.2.4
  • Vulnerability Management - 3.2.4

Dashboards display information in near real-time. (There is, of course, a slight delay associated with machine-processing time, hence "near" real-time.)  If you step away from your desk and want to update your view, refresh your browser. The Activity dashboard, however, refreshes automatically every 10 seconds. 

If you make changes to your dashboard settings during a session and wish to revert back to before you made the changes, click Reset. 

Managing Dashboards

To manage dashboards, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Dashboards > Dashboard Manager.

  2. Select the dashboard you want to manage.

  3. Use one of four toolbars to manipulate your selection as needed. 

    Dashboard Bar #1 -  Enables you to Add, Search and  Filter dashboards.

    Dashboard Bar #2 -  Enables you to Delete, View, Copy, and  Edit dashboards. 

    Dashboard Bar #3-  Enables you to set Properties and Resources for your selection. 
    Dashboard Bar #4-  Enables you to edit the layout and layout of your dashboards.

Setting a Default Dashboard

To display a particular dashboard as your landing page after you login to Asset Manager:

  1. Navigate to Dashboards > Dashboard Manager.

  2. Follow this process to configure a dashboard as your default.

Adding a Dashboard

Add a Dashboard enables you to name, describe, and add metadata to a new dashboard widget.

Here's how to create your own dashboard:

  1. Navigate to Dashboards > Dashboard Manager using the drop-down menu at the top of the screen.

  2. Click  Add Dashboard.

  3. Enter a unique name for your dashboard. Do not give a dashboard the same name as a report. 

  4. Click the slider if you would like to make this dashboard your default dashboard.

  5. Add tags to your dashboard to make it easy to find and identify.

    If you would like your new dashboard to nest within a new or existing option on the dashboard menu, enter a tag (or tags) using the syntax $category:<name of dashboard submenu>$
    For example, $category:Asset Manager Performance Monitors$

    The new dashboard (dfr test dashboard) nests below each named category (Asset Manager Performance Monitors, test option 1, test option 2). (Leave out the angle brackets, though.)

  6. Add comments to your dashboard with information your organization will find useful. 

  7. When the form is completed, click Create Dashboard.

    Your new dashboard displays in the list. 

Adding Widgets to a Dashboard

Widgets are visual representations of the data gathered in reports. There are several types of widgets, such as charts and tables, which make it easier to visualize reports.

Here's how to add a widget to your dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the dashboard to which you want to add widgets (i.e., Select the dashboard name and click View.)

  2. After navigating to your desired dashboard, click Add Widget.

  3. Enter a name for your widget.

  4. Select the type of widget that you want.

  5. Click the Interactive slider if you want the widget to listen to other widgets and update accordingly.

  6. Click the Auto-Refresh slider if you want the widget to auto-refresh after a set amount of time.

    If you choose to have the widget auto-refresh, you will need to select the interval of time that you would like to have elapse between when the widget refreshes.
  7. Add comments to your widget with information your organization will find useful. This field is optional. 
  8. Click Next.

  9. Choose a data source type for the widget.

    Saved Query - When you choose Query as a source, the widget uses the results of a SQL query to populate your widget. You can browse to https://<your Asset Manager IP or system name>/logbase/#/queries to see all the properties and details of queries you can choose from in this drop-down. 

    Table - When you choose Table as a source, the widget uses data from your selected table.  You can browse to Settings > Tables. 

  10. Now choose a specific source for the widget to gather data.
  11. Click Next.

  12. If you chose to have your widget listen for events (Step 5), you must now choose which events you would like this widget update with regards to.

  13. Click Next.

  14. Now you can choose the type of chart or table you would like for your widget.
    There are multiple options, including bar chart, line chart, pie chart, and others.
    Depending on the type of chart you choose, you will need to enter appropriate values for the margins, X axis, and Y axis.
    As you switch between types of charts or enter different options for your X and Y axes, the preview of the chart will refresh to show your current selections.

  15. When the form is completed, click Create Widget.
    Your new widget will now display on the dashboard.

Searching for a Dashboard

The Search Dashboards field enables you to sweep away all but the dashboard you need.  To use the Search, enter the dashboard's name--or just the first few letters of it.


The Filter icon enables you to use criteria tags (i.e., labels) you and other users have applied to a dashboard to find the one you want to use. The Tags filter enables you to click on the name of the tag by which you would like filter out dashboards.


The Sources page indicates the reports or queries from which the dashboard was composed. Properties provides the identifiers and metadata that were provided when the dashboard was created.

For more on the default dashboards provided with Asset Manager, see the Dashboards pane on the opening page of this website.