Carbon Black Cloud & EDR Management Dashboards

Asset Manager accesses the API of Carbon Black (at a polling interval set by the user) and retrieves the inventory of hosts, servers, and other endpoint systems ("Carbon Black managed endpoints").

Asset Manager correlates this inventory against Asset Manager's authoritative index of IP address space- comparing to advise Carbon Black of any devices where it doesn't see a Carbon Black endpoint indicated on the device, as those would be "undefended/unmanaged" endpoints.

Asset Manager highlights the differences and commonalities into views:

The following widgets are displayed on both the Carbon Black Cloud and Carbon Black ERD Managemetn dashboards: 

  • IPs Unmanaged by Carbon Black <Cloud> or <ERD> lists those assets not managed by Carbon Black.  Asset Manager pushes these assets to Carbon Black so that those assets can be managed.
  • IPs Unmanaged by Asset Manager lists the assets that Asset Manager cannot access, indicating a lack of visibility into the network on which they are located. Check your Scout deployment to resolve any issues of an unexpected listing.
  • IPs Managed by Carbon Black <Cloud> or <ERD> and Asset Manager lists assets receiving the benefits of both Asset Manager and Carbon Black management.