CLI Syntax & Navigation

Following is CLI syntax and navigation tips:

  1. To see what's next and display syntax tips while working in the CLI, press ? after a partial command to see possible completions in the format "type explanation (valid values)".
    1. If you press ?? after a command completes, an expanded description will display
    2. You can navigate down through each menu tier by pressing Enter after entering a single command at that tier. Or, you can include the full command, separating each tier's command with a space. Press Enter at the end of the line.
    3. Following is an example of the next-field options you might see when you pressing ? at the CLI command line of a representative CLI command:

      zone discoveryspaces <zonename> {eligible | known | internal }  { + | - | = }  remote <user@host:path/to/file> [ port ]

The "zone discoveryspaces" command takes a zone name, the choice of  "eligible" "known" or "internal" CIDR list, one of "+" for append, "-" for delete or "=" for replace, the literal "remote" followed by the remote path and an optional port.

Field Description Example

+ append to CIDR list

– delete from CIDR list

= replace the  CIDR list

collector discoveryspaces collector1 target +


Specify a file on a remote host collector discoveryspaces collector1 target + remote user@host:path/to/file 11111


Specify targets on the command line

collector discoveryspaces collector1

string Which host discovery parameter to configure (target/avoid/stop)

collector discoveryspaces collector1 target + remote me@mypc:target |  s.txt

port A TCP port  The server's SSH port, if not the default 22 (1..65535) collector discoveryspaces collector1 target + remote me@mypc:targets.txt
  1. Enclose values that have spaces in them such as "Finance Department"  in quotation marks (e.g., admin@Organization1> zone new "Finance Department" Organization1).

Specifying a Non-Standard Port for Commands that Use SCP

Some CLI commands allow you to upload files from remote machines running SSH. These commands can take an optional port number that is useful when the SSH server does not or should not use the default port 22.

CLI CommandExample

  collector discoveryspaces

  system configuration import

  system configuration export

  system upgrade

  support diagnostics

  zone discoveryspaces

collector discoveryspaces c1 target + remote user@host:path/to/file 11111
system configuration import user@host:path/to/file 11111
system configuration export user@host:path/to/file 11111
system upgrade user@host:path/to/file 11111
support diagnostics user@host:path/to/file 11111
zone discoveryspaces zname listtype opt remote user@host:path/to/file 11111

These CLI commands have been updated to support a custom SCP port number and are expected to be made available in a near-term release:

CLI CommandExample

  certificate Asset Manager

  certificate ca

  certificate ssh

  certificate server

  certificate crl

  certificate user

certificate Asset Manager install user@host:path/to/file 11111
certificate ca install user@host:path/to/file 11111
certificate ssh install user@host:path/to/file 11111 user
certificate server install user@host:path/to/file 11111 friendlyName password
certificate crl install user@host:path/to/file 11111
certificate user install user@host:path/to/file 11111 user

To log in to the CLI on a port you specify, see Set a Custom Port.