Asset Manager API Calls

This command downloads Asset Manager's current configuration and a running list of all system activity. The heap log is downloaded by default. You can opt to include the database and spool files as well. (The parameters spool and database are optional and default to false.) The resulting log file is especially useful in troubleshooting API:  api/rest/system/diagnostic/exports?spool={true|false}&database={true|false}

Attribute DataType Description boolean Is the device active?
.results.certificates.certificateType string What type of certificate is this?
.results.certificates.endDate date What is date after which this certificate is no longer valid?
.results.certificates.issuer string Who issues this certificate?
.results.certificates.serial string What is the serial number of this certificate?
.results.certificates.signatureType string What is the category of this certificate signatory.
.results.certificates.startDate date What is the effective start date of this certificate?
.results.certificates.subject string What is the topic for this certificate?
.results.certificates.version integer What is the version number of this certificate?
.results.closedTcpPorts integer The number of closed ports.
.results.details.forwarder boolean Is this device forwarding traffic?
.results.details.hasResponses boolean Does this device have a response table on it?
.results.details.hasTraces boolean Has traffic traversed this device?
.results.details.interfaces integer How many network interfaces were found on this device?
.results.details.internal boolean Is device in a internal CIDR? (On Asset Manager's Internal list)
.results.details.known boolean Is device in a known CIDR? (On IPsonar's Known list)
.results.details.l2Hosts integer How many hosts are connected at the L2 level?
.results.details.l2Peers integer How many peers are connected at the L2 level?
.results.details.l3Hosts integer How many hosts are connected at the L3 level?
.results.details.l3Peers integer How many peers are connected at the L3 level?
.results.details.leakInbound boolean Is there a leak path to the device?
.results.details.leakOutbound boolean Is there a leak path from the device?
.results.details.perimeter boolean Is this device behaving like a perimeter router?
.results.details.routes integer How many routes were found?
.results.details.snmpResponder boolean Did the device respond to SNMP protocol? string What is the list of targeted CIDRs?
.results.details.trusted boolean Is this router listed on the Trusted list?
.results.details.unknownRoutes integer How many found routes were unknown?
.results.firstObserved timestamp When did the device become active on the network?
.results.interfaces.switchInfo.port string Which interface and port responded?
.results.interfaces.switchInfo.vlan string Which vlan responded?
.results.lastObserved timestamp When did the device become inactive?
.results.mac boolean Did this device return a mac address?
.results.openTcpPorts integer The number of open ports.
.results.profile.deviceType.confidence integer Number representing Asset Manager's confidence-level that the device type is correct.
.results.profile.deviceType.expression string A legal combination of symbols representing a device fingerprint.
.results.profile.deviceType.match string Displays the value of the device type match.
.results.profile.deviceType.matchType string Displays the value of the model matchType.
.results.profile.deviceType.value string Displays the value of the device type.
.results.profile.model.confidence integer Number representing Asset Manager's confidence-level that the model type is correct.
.results.profile.model.expression string A legal combination of symbols representing a model fingerprint.
.results.profile.model.match string Displays the value of the model match.
.results.profile.model.matchType string Displays the value of the model matchType.
.results.profile.model.value string Displays the value of the model.
.results.profile.os.confidence integer Number representing Asset Manager's confidence-level that the operating system type is correct.
.results.profile.os.expression string A legal combination of symbols representing an operating system fingerprint.
.results.profile.os.match string Displays the value of the operating system match.
.results.profile.os.matchType string Displays the value of the operating system matchType.
.results.profile.os.value string Displays the value of the operating system.
.results.profile.vendor.confidence integer Number representing Asset Manager's confidence-level that the vendor type is correct.
.results.profile.vendor.expression string A legal combination of symbols representing a version fingerprint.
.results.profile.vendor.match string Displays the value of the vendor match.
.results.profile.vendor.matchType string Displays the value of the vendor matchType.
.results.profile.vendor.value string Displays the value of the vendor.
.results.profile.version.confidence integer Number representing Asset Manager's confidence-level that the version type is correct.
.results.profile.version.expression string A legal combination of symbols representing a device fingerprint.
.results.profile.version.match string Displays the value of the version matchType.
.results.profile.version.matchType string Displays the value of the version matchType.
.results.profile.version.value string Displays the value of the version.
.results.protocols string What protocols and by what discovery type was this device found?
.results.snmpAliases string What SNMP alias was used to mask this device's SNMP credentials on reports? string What is the name of the vLan to which this device belongs?
.results.vlans.tag string What is the tag (aka label) of the vLan to which this device belongs?