Adding & Managing Zones

To manage a variety of zones, you'll need to know how to add, edit and delete them. This page describes these essentials.  See What Is a Zone? for more on zones.

Adding a Zone

Zones control user access and delimit the scope of information that can be displayed on an Asset Manager map. Regarding access, a zone may grant one set of users access to the New York zone but not the London or Zurich zones.Regarding mapping, only elements belonging to a particular zone can be mapped together. When defining a zone, include devices and/or CIDRs you want to see on a single map as members of the same zone. There are often many zones in an enterprise, so give each a distinguishable name. Set criteria defining zone membership (e.g., unifying features and purpose) and standardize your naming conventions.

Within the zone container, Asset Manager keeps you continuously apprised of network assets and activity: what's there, what's there but inactive, what's there but shouldn't be, what's behaving, what's misbehaving, what can get in from outside, what can get out from inside, what's sound, and what's vulnerable to exploitation. Indexing assets discovered within a zone is central to reducing your network's risk profile and vulnerability to exploitation.

To add a zone . . .

  1. Browse to the Settings >Zones page.
  2. Click Add Zone.
  3. Set properties for your zone, using an informative name and description so that you and other Asset Manager system users with access to the zone can recognize its purpose or unifying characteristic. Zone names can be a combination of alphanumeric characters and special characters and can start with number. The maximum number of characters for a username is 32. Special characters except apostrophes (') are  allowed.
  4. Click Create.
    Your new zone displays on the left in the Available Zones list.
    If your new zone doesn't display within 90 seconds, an application error has likely occurred and the operation has timed out. Log in to your Command Center again to finish adding the zone.

Editing a Zone

To edit a zone, do the following:

  1. Browse to the Settings >Zones page.
  2. Select the zone you want to revise, and then click Edit Zone.

  3. Revise the settings as needed.
    Set properties for your zone, using an informative name and description so that you and other Asset Manager system users with access to the zone can recognize its purpose or unifying characteristic. Zone names can be a combination of alphanumeric characters but cannot start with number. The maximum number of characters for a username is 32. Special characters are not allowed.
  4.  Click Update
    Your revised zone displays on the left in the Available Zones column.

Deleting a Zone

To delete a zone, do the following:

  1. Browse to the Settings >Zones page.
  2. Select the zone you want to delete, and then click Delete Zone
  3. Click OK to confirm the deletion.
    The zone is deleted.