Add & Manage Lists (Zone Networks & Discovery Spaces)

To manage lists, you'll need to know how to add, delete, upload, and download them. This page provides these procedures.  See Targets, Identity & Work Area for more on lists.

Add a List

To add to the Known, Eligible, Internal, or Avoid Lists, do the following:

  1. Go to the Settings >Zones > Zone Networks.
  2. Select an Available Zone from the list of zones displayed.
  3. Indicate the list to which you want to add zone networks (aka CIDRs) by clicking Known List, Eligible List, Internal List, or Avoid List.
  4. Add CIDRs to the list, separating items with either commas or line breaks, and then click Create
    Your new zone network is added.

To add to the Target, Avoid, or Stop lists, do the following:

  1. Go to the Settings >Zones > Discovery Spaces.
  2. Select an Available Zone from the list of zones displayed.
  3. Indicate the list to which you want to add Discovery Spaces (aka CIDRs) by clicking Target List, Avoid List, or Stop List.
  4. Add CIDRs to the list, separating items with either commas or line breaks, and then click Create
    Your new discovery spaces have been added.

Delete a List

To delete a CIDR from any list, do the following:

  1. Select the line item CIDR entry you want to deleted and then click Delete
  2. Click OK to confirm the deletion.
    The CIDR is deleted.

Upload a List

To add to the Known, Eligible, Internal, or Avoid lists

  1. Go to the Settings >Zones > Zone Networks.
  2. Select the Available Zone to which you want to add a list.
  3. Select the list (i.e., Known List, Eligible List, or Internal List) to which you want to upload zone networks/CIDRs.
  4. Click Upload.
  5. On this screen, indicate the following, and then click Submit:
    1. Indicate whether you want to add to or overwrite the entries currently in the list.
    2. Indicate whether you want the items delimited by line breaks or commas.
    3. Select the .txt file you want to upload.
      Your list is added.

To add to the Target, Avoid, or Stop lists

  1. Go to the Settings >Zones > Discovery Spaces.
  2. Select the Available Zone to which you want to add a list.
  3. Select the list (i.e., Target List, Known List, or Eligible List) to which you want to upload discovery spaces/CIDRs.
  4. Click Upload.
  5. On this screen, indicate the following, and then click Submit:
    1. Indicate whether you want to add to or overwrite the entries currently in the list.
    2. Indicate whether you want the items delimited by line breaks or commas.
    3. Select the .txt file you want to upload.
      Your list is added.

Download List

Select a zone and click Discovery Spaces > Download to export the Target, Avoid and Stop lists associated with that zone.
Select a zone and click Network Zones > Download to export the Known, Eligible, Internal, or Avoid List associated with that zone.