Activate the License

A license can be installed and activated using command-line interface (CLI) or graphical user interface (GUI). Most installations require the Unique Universal Identifier (UUID), which can be retrieved from the CLI or GUI.


To install a license from the GUI, do the following:

  1. Log in to https://<your Asset Manager IP or SystemName>

  2. In response to the prompt to upload your license, browse to your license file, select it, and then click Submit.
    The license is processed and the Asset Manager login screen displays.


Once a Asset Manager system has been deployed and initialized in your workplace, begin the license activation process. This process involves providing your system identifier to Support, importing the license key given to you, and activating the license using CLI or the GUI.

Activate a license in the GUI

  1. Go to Settings > Asset Manager Systems > System to get the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of your Asset Manager system.

  2. Use the copy-and-paste function to send the UUID to either FireMon Sales or FireMon Support.

    • If you have instantiated Asset Manager from Amazon Web Marketplace, contact FireMon Sales to begin the license fulfillment process.

    • Otherwise, send the UUID in an email to FireMon Support. In response, Support will respond with the license key file or place the file in your account folder.

  1. Save the license file received from Asset Manager in a location that can be accessed using SSH.

Activate a license using CLI

The certificate asset manager command allows you to install a license or view the activation date of a current license.

Verify that the Asset Manager license file has been saved to a computer running an SSH daemon before beginning this procedure.

  1. Log in to Asset Manager CLI 
  2. At the command prompt type: certificarte asset manager install <admin@IPaddress:/directory/license_filename>

certificate Asset Manager install junebug@

  1. The license installs and you are returned to the command prompt.
    The CLI session is no longer valid.  If you would like to continue working in the CLI, log in again.  

You are ready to authenticate. See Log in using CLI, VMware, Console, or SSH for more.